Continuum North services are all grounded in interdisciplinary collaboration. Our interdisciplinary team consists of a variety of clinicians, including Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Speech-Language Pathologists, Physiotherapists, Nurses, Social Workers, Counsellors, and Teachers of the d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Our team members all hold up-to-date certifications/licenses to practice in their field.
Onboarding and Supported Growth
Our staff bring their clinical expertise with them when they join our team. However, this is of little value without time invested to learn about the communities we serve, humble ourselves, acknowledge the role that clinical practice has historically played in ongoing colonization, and create intention to move forward in a new way. Before entering communities or actioning service, we fund each team member to participate in rigorous onboarding. Additionally, new staff develop a mentorship plan with an experienced northern clinician. For all staff, ongoing support is readily available from the inter-disciplinary team as well as annually updated professional development plans.
⦿ Cultural sensitivity development
⦿ TRC implications for clinical practice
⦿ Legislation relevant to jurisdiction
⦿ Training in tiered services
⦿ Mentorship and on-going team support
About Regulated Professions
Jobs that require a license are regulated occupations. Regulatory bodies are jurisdictional organizations that work within legislation (e.g., Health Professions Act, Psychologists Act) to lay out criteria for who can use certain titles and work in regulated professions. Regulated professionals require specialized education and experience; they are required to work within specific standards of practice, maintain competence in their field, and re-apply for license renewal each year.
Regulation helps to provide clear rights for clients and clear responsibilities for professionals, as well as avenues of recourse for clients if there are complaints about services.
Regulation of professions in the north remains an area of need.
In the Northwest Territories, Social Work, Psychology, and Nursing are regulated professions. In Nunavut, Psychology and Nursing are regulated professions.
Occupational Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology, and Physiotherapy are not yet regulated professions in the Northwest Territories or in Nunavut.
Continuum North will continue to advocate for regulation of these professions and will continue to require all employees to be registered with other jurisdictions when there is no local option. We believe that regulation of professionals is important for protecting the rights of northererns.
Our Team of Regulated Professionals
Profession: Social Work
License: 856300
Regulatory Body: Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers
www.ocswssw.org -
Profession: Occupational Therapy
License: AF1824
Regulatory Body: College of Health and Care Professionals of BC
chcpbc.org -
Profession: Occupational Therapy
License: 22-252
Regulatory Body: Ordre des ergothérapeutes du Québec
www.oeq.org -
Profession: Speech-Language Pathology
License: 0079
Regulatory Body: Nova Scotia College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists
Profession: Occupational Therapy
License: 1180
Regulatory Body: College of Occupational Therapists of Manitoba
cotm.ca -
Profession: Physiotherapy
License: 2178
Regulatory Body: College of Physiotherapists of Manitoba
manitobaphysio.com -
Profession: Psychology
License: 2250-65537 (NWT), 2024 –083 (NU), 5251 (AB)
Regulatory Body: Registrar, Government of NWT: hss.gov.nt.ca/en/services/professional-licensing
Professional Licensing, Government of NU
College of Alberta Psychologists cap.ab.ca
Profession: Occupational Therapy
License: AL2553
Regulatory Body: College of Health and Care Professionals of BC
chcpbc.org -
Profession: Counselling
License: 4562
Regulatory Body: Canadian Professional Counsellors Association
thecpca.ca -
Profession: Counselling
License: RCT-C24-003
Regulatory Body: Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association
ccpa-accp.ca -
Profession: Teacher of the d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing
License: L186309
Regulatory Body: British Columbia Ministry of Education
Profession: Speech-Language Pathology
License: 4830
Regulatory Body: Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists
www.acslpa.ca -
Profession: Speech-Language Pathology
License: 8930
Regulatory Body: College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario
caslpo.com -
Profession: Occupational Therapy
License: G1208680
Regulatory Body: College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario
coto.org -
Profession: Occupational Therapy
License: G2204132
Regulatory Body: College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario
coto.org -
Profession: Occupational Therapy
License: G2209079
Regulatory Body: College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario
coto.org -
Profession: Occupational Therapy
License: 1165
Regulatory Body: College of Occupational Therapists of Manitoba
cotm.ca -
Profession: Psychology
License: 2250-71222 (NWT), 2024-077 (NU)
Regulatory Body: Registrar, Government of NWT: hss.gov.nt.ca/en/services/professional-licensing
Professional Licensing, Government of Nunavut