Vision, Mission and Values

Continuum North was founded in 2021. Collectively, the founders had previously worked in the North for over 10 years. While this time had offered many lessons and opportunities for growth, we had experienced barriers to doing our work in a good way that is truly responsive to the strengths and the needs of the people of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

With Continuum North, we have the freedom to be flexible in our work, to seek authentic and meaningful partnerships, and to continually learn from those we work with and work for. We believe that it is both a privilege and a responsibility to approach our work in this way.


Healthy self-determined communities in the North.


Continuum North supports individuals, families, communities and governments to action education and health outcomes that are equal to their aspirations, goals and rights. Our services are client led, strength based, comprehensive and, delivered through an interdisciplinary team of education and health professionals and researchers. We will continually advance, innovate and decolonize our practices through partnership with one another and with the people we work for.



Learning from the people we work with and work for.

We acknowledge the strengths and resiliency of clients and communities we serve.

We take an active role in reconciliation.


Clients lead the way regarding the what, when, and where of services.

Our role is to provide information and support to our clients and to respect their informed decisions and self-determination.


Context matters – community, culture, family, stage in life.

An appreciation of context and positionality drives our understanding of strengths, needs, and opportunities.


A process; not a product.

Services are not pre-defined or discrete, but are flexible to match the journey of the client.

Equitable access

Access to the services you want, need, and have a right to.

Northerners deserve access to quality services.

Diversity Affirming

We value and celebrate diversity, including neurodiversity and diversity of identities.

We strive to support inclusive spaces.