Training and Workshops

Our inter-disciplinary approach and our diverse team allows us to meet a large spectrum of training requests.  We will collaborate with you to decide what content and format is best for the audience, and tailor each session to your needs. 

Some examples of common sessions are:

  • Trauma and Resilience

  • Neurodiversity

  • De-escalation and safety planning

  • Supporting individuals with specific complex needs (i.e., Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Developmental Coordination Disorder, Selective Mutism, etc.)

  • Sensory Systems

  • Academic Interventions

  • Universal Design for Learning

  • Mental Health Topics (Anxiety, Suicide Prevention, Non-Suicidal Self Injury)

  • Executive Functioning

  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

  • Supporting d/Deaf and Hard of Students in the Classroom

Continuum North has certified FASCETS trainers

FASCETS training provides a strength based approach to supporting all  people with a neurodiversity (diagnosed or undiagnosed). FASCETS is considered across North America as the gold standard training for individuals working with persons with FASD and neurodiversity. This training aligns with trauma-informed models and the SIVA model.

Continuum North partners with SIVA Training Ltd.

Supporting Individuals through Valued Attachments (SIVA) is a Canadian based safety, descalation and behaviour support training program. Continuum North has certified SIVA trainers on staff.

We have experience training educators and education leaders. SIVA training can support safety in the school environment for both staff and students, and can support inclusion for students with neurodiversities and/or trauma histories.